White Balance ist the new audio/video live perfomance by SCHNITT. In this project the artists apply the photographic white balance process to the interaction of audio and video.The white balance, in photography, is defined as the operation that allows to correctly interpret the light of the scene.In this project the white becomes the medium by crossing the minimal art of "white images" by Robert Ryman examining the potential effects of reception and perception of the „non“ color white .With extreme audiovisual abstraction SCHNITT researches for essential spaces purified of any 'superfluous' element, with a process of progressive subtraction the duo explores the boundary between the real and the imaginary until the threshold of nowhere..
The artists create a relationship between space, image, light and sound by reversing the use and role of audio and video. In White Balance SCHNITT transforms the video signal into a real time sound generator, on stage four photosensitive devices react to the light pulses of four video projectors creating the sound structure of the performanceThe live develops through the audiovisual interaction between the two artists, the electronic devices and the main screen